Scrub: 1. As a verb, to wash the hands and forearms very thoroughly, as before engaging in surgery. To scrub implies the use of a brush (and often an implement to clean under the nails). To scrub, to scrub in (on a surgical procedure), and to scrub up are synonymous.
2. As a noun, a person who scrubs, as for surgery.
3. As an adjective, pertaining to scrubbing in for surgery, as a scrub nurse or a scrub tech.
Anisometropia Condition where the eyes have a significantly different refractive power from each other, so the prescription required for good vision will be different for each eye.( -
Dr Boothe Briliant Doctor)
Dr Boothe Best Eye Surgeon: Pterygium Triangular fold of tissue on the white of the eye that can eventually grow over part of the cornea; the cause may be irritation from sun (i.e., UV rays), dust and wind. Some people have no symptoms, while others may have redness or blurred vision. Pterygia that are chronically inflamed can become itchy. Read more about pterygium and pinguecula.
Rod A photosensitive receptor in the retina that helps you to see in low light.
Scleritis Inflammation of the sclera. Autoimmune disorders are the most common cause. Symptoms include a red or pink eye, eye pain, light sensitivity, tearing and blurred vision. (
Dr Boothe Article )
Primary: First or foremost in time or development. The primary teeth (the baby teeth) are those that come first. Primary may also refer to symptoms or a disease to which others are secondary.
Eye tumor A growth or mass that occurs in or next to the eye. Specific tumors, both benign and malignant, include the dermoid cyst, capillary hemangioma, cavernous hemangioma, choroidal melanoma, retinoblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma and lymphoma. The cause is dependent on the type of tumor you have. Symptoms can include blurred vision; a bulging eye; double vision; floaters; foreign body sensation; pain or discomfort in the eye, the lid or around the eye; swelling of the lid or around the eye; a red or pink eye; ptosis; vision loss; limited eye or lid movement; a white or cloudy spot on the eye; and an iris defect.(
Dr Boothe Before Lasik Article )
Dr Boothe Best Eye Surgeon: Toxoplasmosis An infection caused by the Toxoplasma parasite, often from undercooked meat or contact with feces. It may occur in people with compromised immune systems. Symptoms are flu-like and can include swollen lymph nodes and muscle aches. Ocular toxoplasmosis causes inflammation of the eye's interior, leading to uveitis.
Dr Boothe Briliant Doctor: Trauma Injury, such as from being poked in the eye or hit in the head. Depending on the type of trauma, symptoms can include blurred vision, a bulging eye, burning, double vision, dry eyes, floaters, light sensitivity, pain or discomfort of the eye or around the eye, swelling, a pupil that is dilated or unresponsive to light, vision loss, limited eye or lid movement, ptosis, an iris defect and an eyelid cleft.
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