Thursday, June 3, 2010

Boothe Eye Care and LASIK surgery

Boothe Eye Care

LASIK stands for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis and is a procedure that permanently changes the shape of the cornea, the clear covering of the front of the eye, using an excimer laser. A mechanical microkeratome (a blade device) or a laser keratome (a laser device) is used to cut a flap in the cornea. A hinge is left at one end of this flap. The flap is folded back revealing the stroma, the middlesection of the cornea. Pulses from a computer-controlled laser vaporize a portion of the stroma and the flap is replaced. There are other techniques and many new terms related to LASIK that you may hear about. Dr. William Boothe

Diopter- A diopter is one whole number on a prescription. The number of diopters on your prescription represents how much correction is needed to normalize your vision. The more myopic or hyperopic you are, the higher your prescription will be represented in diopters; or rather the farther away from zero your prescription will be.

Keratectomy- Keratos is the greek word for cornea, and ectomy means to remove. Together they mean to remove corneal tissue.

Dr. Boothe Eye Center: Monovision- When one eye is deliberately corrected for distance vision and the other for close vision.

Boothe Eye Center

Dry Eyes After LASIK - Some patients may experience dry eyes after LASIK and PRK. Often it is a temporary side effect during the healing process. If a patient is prone to dry eyes, our medical teams may discuss options with the patient, or discuss non-candidacy if the patient's eyes are too dry to have laser vision correction.
Presbyopia- "Presbys" is Greek for "old man" and "opia" refers to the eye. Presbyopia typically occurs in our late thirties or early forties, and it can make reading things up close difficult. Our lenses lose their ability to accomodate, or change shape. Some patients may be good candidates for Monovision as an Alternative to Bilateral LASIK. Dr. Boothe Laser Center

Optometrist- An optometrist is a doctor whose specialization is vision. An optometrist can diagnose vision concerns, treat vision concerns, manage vision concerns.
Dr. Boothe
Optician- An optician makes glasses and performs adjustments on frames.

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