Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dr. William Boothe

dr boothe tx

Gland: 1. A group of cells that secrete a substance for use in the body. For example, the thyroid gland. 2. A group of cells that removes materials from the circulation. For example, a lymph gland.
Bacteria: Single-celled microorganisms which can exist either as independent (free-living) organisms or as parasites (dependent upon another organism for life).( - boothe eye care laser surgery)

dr william boothe laser center: Rosacea Skin condition typically involving the face that is characterized by flushing, red bumps and telangiectasia (dilated, visible capillaries); it is most common among fair-skinned women, who develop it in their 30s through 50s.

Toxocariasis Infection caused by Toxocara worms, which are typically found in cat and dog intestines. The form found in the eyes, ocular larva migrans, can cause vision loss.

dr boothe tx

Skin: The skin is the body's outer covering. It protects us against heat and light, injury, and infection. It regulates body temperature and stores water, fat, and vitamin D. Weighing about 6 pounds, the skin is the body's largest organ. It is made up of two main layers; the outer epidermis and the inner dermis. ( dr boothe laser center )

Retina The sensory membrane that lines the back of the eye. Cells in the retina called photoreceptors transform light energy into electrical signals that are transmitted to the brain by way of the optic nerve.

Boothe Eye Care

Spots Small, cloudy specks in the eye that become noticeable when they fall in the line of sight. Read our spots and floaters article.( Dr. Boothe TX )
Boothe Eye Care & Laser Surgery: Phytochemicals Chemicals found in plants that help protect against disease.
Dr. Boothe Laser Center: Excimer laser An instrument that uses shorter wave (ultraviolet) light to vaporize and remove tissue from the eye's surface during vision correction procedures.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Texas - Dr Boothe Article

Dr William Boothe Tx
Trachoma Chronic infection of the eyelid and cornea caused by a micro-organism that is spread by contact with eye discharge from an infected sufferer. Flies can also transmit the bacteria. Over time, the eyelid becomes scarred and turns inward. The eyelashes begin to scrape the eyeball and cornea, which eventually causes visual impairment and blindness. Worldwide, 84 million people are affected by trachoma. Clean water and good hygiene can prevent trachoma, while antibiotics can treat it early on. Inward-turning eyelids can be corrected with simple surgery performed by a nurse. (Information supplied by ORBIS International.)
Lacrimal: Pertaining to tears, as in lacrimal gland (tear gland). From the Indo-European dakru meaning a tear (from a weeping eye) which gave rise to the Greek dakry and the Latin lacrima.( - Dr Boothe Eye Surgery)

Dr Boothe Eye Care: Macula Part of the eye near the middle of the retina; the macula allows us to see objects with great detail.

Vitamin A: Vitamin A is retinol. Carotene compounds (found, for example, in egg yolk, butter and cream) are gradually converted by the body to vitamin A (retinol). A form of vitamin A called retinal is responsible for transmitting light sensation in the retina of the eye

Dr William Boothe Lasik

Corneal opacity A cloudy spot in the cornea, which is normally transparent. Causes include corneal scar tissue and infection. Symptoms include halos around lights, photophobia, vision loss and a white or cloudy spot on the eye. ( Dr Boothe Lasik )

Metamorphopsia Vision problem in which objects appear distorted. For example, straight lines may appear to be wavy, curved or bent, objects may appear to be larger or smaller than they actually are, or closer or farther away than they actually are. Metamorphopsia is typically caused by conditions or diseases that affect the eye's macula and retina.

Dr. Boothe Dallas

Eyelid: The lid or cover of the eye, a movable fold of skin and muscle that can be closed over the eyeball or opened at will. Each eye has an upper and a lower lid. An eyelid is also called a palpebra.( Boothe Eye Care & Laser Surgery )
Dr. William Boothe Texas: Diplopia Also called double vision. When two images of the same object are perceived by one or both eyes. Read our article on double vision and also review eye symptoms for a list of conditions that can cause double vision.
Dr. Boothe Eye Care: Keratoplasty Any of several types of corneal surgery, such as shrinking the collagen to reduce farsightedness or transplanting a new cornea to treat keratoconus.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dr William Boothe Dallas

dr william boothe texas

Scaling: Abnormal shedding or accumulation of an upper layer of skin (the stratum corneum ).
Central island Refractive surgery complication in which the laser leaves an "island" of corneal tissue in the concave ablation zone. Symptoms include double vision and distortion. Read more about potential complications of LASIK and other kinds of refractive surgery.( - dr william boothe dallas)

dr william boothe dallas: Myelin A sheath made of proteins that covers nerve fibers. Myelin is essential to transmission of nerve impulses carrying information to and from various parts of the body. When myelin is destroyed or damaged in the optic nerve, the result is optic neuritis, with vision loss or distortions.

Pain: An unpleasant sensation that can range from mild, localized discomfort to agony. Pain has both physical and emotional components. The physical part of pain results from nerve stimulation. Pain may be contained to a discrete area, as in an injury, or it can be more diffuse, as in disorders like fibromyalgia . Pain is mediated by specific nerve fibers that carry the pain impulses to the brain where their conscious appreciation may be modified by many factors.

dr boothe laser center

Higher-order aberration Irregularity of the eye other than a refractive error (myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism). Higher-order aberrations sometimes affect your vision (such as decreasing contrast sensitivity), and sometimes do not. For more information, please see our higher-order aberration article. ( dr boothe tx )

Fixation In terms of vision, the eye's ability to maintain gaze upon an object.

Dr. William Boothe Eye Surgery

Wear schedule How long you wear your contact lenses: either daily wear (you remove the lenses each night) or extended wear (you may sleep with them in). It's important to differentiate between wear schedule and replacement schedule — that is, how often you discard and replace your lenses.( Dr. Boothe Dallas )
Dr. William Boothe Lasik: Rod A photosensitive receptor in the retina that helps you to see in low light.
Dr. Boothe Eye Surgery: Keratitis Inflammation of the cornea, caused by an infection or inflammatory process. Symptoms include eye pain or discomfort, light sensitivity, foreign body sensation, grittiness and tearing.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dr William Boothe Dallas

Dr. Boothe Eye Care
Bifocal Lens with one segment for near vision and one segment for far vision. The term can apply to both eyeglass lenses and contact lenses.
Color blindness Partial or total inability to distinguish specific colors. Color blindness is inherited, and is much more common in men than in women.( - Dr. Boothe)

Boothe Eye Care & Laser Surgery: Descemet's membrane Corneal layer between the stroma and the endothelium.

Placebo A "false" but harmless treatment that has no proven medical value. Placebos usually are incorporated into clinical trials to measure how patients respond to an authentic therapy that is being tested. Some patients are given placebos, and others are given the actual therapy, to provide objective comparisons and assessments.

Dr. Boothe Eye Surgery

Melanosis Condition characterized by melanin (pigment) deposits in the skin or eyes. ( Dr. William Boothe Eye Surgery )

Botulism Serious illness from a toxin produced by Clostridium bacteria (usually Clostridium botulinum). Infant botulism and food-borne botulism are the most common forms in the United States. Symptoms include double vision, blurred vision, ptosis, muscle weakness, difficulty speaking, difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing and nausea.

Dr. William Boothe Laser Center

Atropine: A drug obtained from belladonna that is administered via injection, eye drops, or in oral form to relax muscles by inhibiting nerve responses. Used to dilate the pupils and as an antispasmodic .( Dr. William Boothe TX )
Dr. Boothe TX: ANSI The American National Standards Institute is a private, non-profit organization that coordinates efforts to develop standards for manufacturing many different products, including eyeglass lenses. For example, certain ANSI standards define acceptable levels of impact resistance for safety eyewear.
Dr. Boothe: Optic nerve head Also called optic disk. Circular area where the optic nerve enters the retina, and the location of the eye's blind spot.

Dr William Boothe Dallas - Eye Care Article

Dr. Boothe Texas

Phoropter Device that provides various combinations of lenses used for tests of vision errors in eye examinations.
OD Abbreviation for "oculus dexter," the Latin term for "right eye." Or, doctor of optometry.( - Dr. Boothe Eye Care)

Dr. William Boothe TX: Bulbar conjunctiva: That part of the conjunctiva, a clear membrane of the eye, which covers the outer surface of the eye.

Astigmatism Condition in which the cornea's curvature is asymmetrical (the eye is shaped like a football or egg instead of a baseball); light rays are focused at two points on the retina rather than one, resulting in blurred vision. Additional symptoms include distorted vision, eyestrain, shadows on letters, squinting and double vision. Read more about astigmatism.

Boothe Eye Care

Pterygium Triangular fold of tissue on the white of the eye that can eventually grow over part of the cornea; the cause may be irritation from sun (i.e., UV rays), dust and wind. Some people have no symptoms, while others may have redness or blurred vision. Pterygia that are chronically inflamed can become itchy. Read more about pterygium and pinguecula. ( Dr. William Boothe Laser Center )

Retinitis Inflammation of the retina. Symptoms include blurred vision, metamorphopsia, floaters and vision loss.

Boothe Eye Care

Dry eye: A deficiency of tears. The main symptom is usually a scratchy or sandy feeling as if something is in the eye. Other symptoms may include stinging or burning of the eye; episodes of excess tearing that follow periods of very dry sensation; a stringy discharge from the eye; and pain and redness of the eye. Sometimes people with dry eye experience heaviness of the eyelids or blurred, changing, or decreased vision, although loss of vision is uncommon.( Dr. William Boothe Eye Care )
Dr. William Boothe Lasik: Aura A sensation experienced before an attack of epileptic seizure, migraine or other disorder. Examples are flashes of light, colored lights, numbness, coldness and even hearing voices.
Boothe Eye Care & Laser Surgery: Porphyria Disorder in which the body produces too much of a compound called porphyrin and releases it in the urine, causing a reddish color. Other symptoms include light sensitivity, skin that swells or is sensitive to sunlight, abdominal pain, blisters and muscle weakness.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dr. William Boothe - Conjunctivitis Inflammation

Protein Large, complex organic molecules found in all living cells. These molecules contain enzymes, antibodies, hormones and other elements that help organisms function. Proteins are present in human tears and can collect on contact lenses, resulting in discomfort and cloudy vision.

Lens: The transparent structure inside the eye that focuses light rays onto the retina (the nerve layer that lines the back of the eye, senses light and creates impulses that go through the optic nerve to the brain). The lens was named after the lentil bean because it resembled it in shape and size.(17 January 2010 - Online blog Dr. Boothe Lasik )

Acetate Type of plastic often used in eyeglass frames.

Conjunctivitis Inflammation of the conjunctiva, characterized by a pink eye. The cause is either infectious or allergic, though the term "pink eye" is commonly used for any type of conjunctivitis. Other symptoms include burning, discharge, dryness, itching, light sensitivity, eye pain or discomfort, stickiness, tearing and chemosis.

Trabecular meshwork Porous, spongy tissue within the drainage angle of the eye, through which fluids (aqueous humor) exit the eye.

Trauma: Any injury , whether physically or emotionally inflicted. "Trauma" has both a medical and a psychiatric definition. Medically, "trauma" refers to a serious or critical bodily injury, wound, or shock . This definition is often associated with trauma medicine practiced in emergency rooms and represents a popular view of the term. In psychiatry , "trauma" has assumed a different meaning and refers to an experience that is emotionally painful, distressful, or shocking, which often results in lasting mental and physical effects.Dr. William Boothe Lasik

Nodule: A small solid collection of tissue, a nodule is palpable (can be felt). It may range in size from greater than 1.0 cm (3/8 inch) to somewhat less than 2 cm (13/16 inch) in diameter. A nodule may be present in the epidermis, dermis or subcutis (at any level in the skin).

Angle-closure glaucoma: This condition can be acute or chronic. It consists of increased pressure in the front chamber (anterior chamber) of the eye due to sudden (acute) or slowly progressive (chronic) blockage of the normal circulation of fluid within the eye. The block takes place at the angle of the anterior chamber formed by its junction of the cornea with the iris. This angle can be seen by simply looking at someone's eye from the side. Angle-closure glaucoma tends to affect people born with a narrow angle. People of Asian and Eskimo ancestry are at higher risk of developing it. Age and family history are risk factors. It occurs in older women more often than others. When the pupil of the eye is wide open (dilated), the iris is retracted and thickened and it block the canal of Schlemm, a key component of the drainage pathway for fluid within the eye. Blocking the drainage canal of Schlemm sends the pressure within the eye up. With acute angle-closure glaucoma, there is an abrupt increase in intraocular pressure (IOP) due to the buildup of aqueous (fluid) in the eye. The high pressure can damage the optic nerve (the nerve to the eye) and lead to blindness. The elevated pressure is best detected before the appearance of symptoms. That is why when the eyes are dilated in a doctor's office for a refraction, eye pressures are checked. When symptoms of acute angle glaucoma do develop, they include severe eye and facial pain, nausea and vomiting, decreased vision, blurred vision and seeing haloes around light. The eye in a far advanced case of angle closure glaucoma appears red with a steamy (clouded) cornea and a fixed (nonreactive) dilated pupil. Acute angle-closure glaucoma is an emergency because optic nerve damage and vision loss can occur within hours of the onset of the problem. Administering medications to lower the pressure within the eye is done first. In the past, a piece of the iris was then surgically removed in a procedure called an iridectomy to make a hole in the iris and create a channel (other than the canal of Sclemm) to permit the free flow of fluid. Today, a comparable procedure can be done by laser to burn a small hole in the iris to keep the intraocular pressure within normal limits. This condition can be chronic (progressing slowly or occurring persistently) or acute (occurring suddenly). Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, like the more common type of glaucoma (open-angle glaucoma), may cause vision damage without symptoms. (25 July 2008 Dr. William Boothe Dallas )

Dr. Boothe article

Hyperopia Also called farsightedness. Condition in which the length of the eye is too short, causing light rays to focus behind the retina rather than on it, resulting in blurred near vision. Additional symptoms include eyestrain and squinting.

Ultraviolet (UV) The invisible part of the light spectrum whose rays have wavelengths shorter than the violet end of the visible spectrum and longer than X rays. UVA and UVB light are harmful to your eyes and skin.( 26 June 2008 Online press article Dr. Boothe Lasik )

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dr. William Boothe Eye Care

Optometrist: A health care professional who is licensed to provide primary eye care services:
* to examine and diagnose eye diseases such as glaucoma , cataracts , and retinal diseases and, in certain states in the U.S., to treat them;
* to diagnose related systemic (bodywide) conditions such as hypertension and diabetes that may affect the eyes;
* to examine, diagnose and treat visual conditions such as nearsightedness , farsightedness , astigmatism and presbyopia ; and
* to prescribe glasses, contact lenses, low vision rehabilitation and medications as well as perform minor surgical procedures such as the removal of foreign bodies.
* Find a local Doctor in your town

Retinoschisis Condition in which the retina splits into layers, sometimes causing blurred vision. It is either inherited or acquired; the acquired form is caused by small cysts in the eye. You may also have floaters.(14 July 2009 - Online article Dr. William Boothe Dallas )

Retinol: Retinol is vitamin A. Carotene compounds (found, for example, in egg yolk, butter and cream) are gradually converted by the body to vitamin A (retinol). A form of vitamin A called retinal is responsible for transmitting light sensation in the retina of the eye. Deficiency of vitamin A leads to night blindness.

Dermatochalasis Excessive, drooping eyelid skin caused by a loss of elasticity in aging skin.

Diopter Unit of measure for the refractive (light-bending) power of a lens; eye care practitioners use it in eyeglass and contact lens prescriptions. A negative number refers to nearsightedness; a positive number, farsightedness. For example, someone with -8.00 diopter lenses is very nearsighted, while someone with +0.75 diopter lenses is only slightly farsighted.

Complication: In medicine, an additional problem that arises following a procedure, treatment or illness and is secondary to it. A complication complicates the situation.Dr. William Boothe

Cornea The clear part of the eye covering the iris and pupil; it lets light into the eye, permitting sight.

Esotropia When one or both eyes point inward, so the eyes are "crossed." This is one type of strabismus. (29 July 2007 Boothe Eye Care )

Boothe Laser Center article

Presbyope Person who has difficulty reading print and seeing near objects.

PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) Old-fashioned hard contacts were made of PMMA, which is not permeable; today's rigid lenses contain other polymers that allow oxygen to reach your eye.( 02 February 2010 Press article Dr. Boothe Lasik )

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dr. William Boothe - Aberrometer

Mucormycosis Fungal infection typically occurring in the sinuses or lungs and mainly acquired by those with compromised immune systems and by diabetics. Symptoms include sinusitis, eye and facial pain, fever, a bulging eye and vision loss.

Sjogren's syndrome An inflammatory autoimmune disorder characterized by a dry mouth and dry eyes. Additional eye symptoms include burning, discharge, foreign body sensation, itching and light sensitivity.(11 August 2008 - Blog article Boothe Eye Care )

Cellulitis Inflammation of tissue around the eye. Pre-septal cellulitis affects the lid and other "outer" areas of the eye, whereas orbital cellulitis affects the "inner" areas around the eyeball. Pre-septal cellulitis symptoms include a red, swollen lid, swelling around the eyes and eye or lid pain or discomfort. Orbital cellulitis symptoms include a bulging eye and ophthalmoplegia, as well as a red, swollen lid, swelling around the eyes, eye or lid pain or discomfort and a decrease in vision. An orbital cellulitis is an ocular emergency.

Aspheric Not quite spherical. Aspheric eyeglass lenses are popular among people who have strong prescriptions because they are thin and lightweight, and reduce distortion and eye magnification. Aspheric contact lenses can work as a multifocal, or to correct a single-vision problem like astigmatism.

Melanin Pigment that colors the iris of the eye as well as other parts of the body, including skin and hair.

Epithelial ingrowth LASIK complication in which epithelial cells grow under the LASIK flap; epithelial ingrowth does not usually affect vision.Boothe Laser Center

Lutein An antioxidant that is found throughout the body, but is concentrated in the macula. Lutein is believed to help protect the eyes from free radical damage caused by the sun's harmful rays.

Descemet's membrane Corneal layer between the stroma and the endothelium. (19 September 2007 Dr. William Boothe Lasik )

Boothe Eye Center article

Aberrometer A device that can identify common and more obscure vision errors by measuring the way light waves travel through the eye's optical system.

Homocysteine An amino acid containing sulfur. A high homocysteine level in the blood is a possible risk factor for heart disease. One major study indicates that lowering homocysteine levels through vitamin B supplementation might help prevent diseases associated with impaired function of small blood vessels, such as macular degeneration. More studies are needed to verify such a link.( 14 May 2008 Online article Boothe Eye Center )

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Dr. William Boothe Eye Care Video

Daily wear These soft contact lenses are worn every day for six months up to a couple of years. They require daily cleaning and disinfecting, as well as a periodic enzymatic soak (usually once a week).

Lateral rectus muscle Muscle that moves the eye away from the nose.(22 July 2007 - Online press article Dr. William Boothe Lasik )

Coloboma Cleft, usually due to incomplete embryologic development in utero. An iris coloboma is the most common eye coloboma; the pupil will often look like a keyhole or upside-down pear. Colobomas can also affect other eye structures, such as the eyelid, retina and optic nerve; only iris and eyelid colobomas are visible with the naked eye. Additional symptoms such as poor vision may occur, but are not readily apparent from a parent's perspective.

Sodium: The major positive ion (cation) in fluid outside of cells. The chemical notation for sodium is Na+. When combined with chloride, the resulting substance is table salt.

Vascular problem Problems with your body's vascular system (i.e., blood vessels, arteries and so on) can include hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, a clot, an aneurysm, an embolus, etc. These problems can sometimes affect the eyes, resulting in such symptoms as blurred vision, a bulging eye, double vision, eye pain or discomfort, a red or pink eye, eyelid swelling and vision loss.

Vergence disorder Vergence refers to the eyes' ability to turn either inward (convergence) or outward (divergence); convergence insufficiency is the most common vergence disorder. The disorders' exact causes are unknown. Symptoms include double vision, eyestrain, fatigue, headache, squinting and difficulty concentrating (particularly while reading).Dr. Boothe Laser Center

High-index Type of lens with a higher index of refraction, meaning that light travels faster through the lens to reach the eye than with traditional glass or plastic. It is denser, so the same amount of visual correction occurs with less material (whether glass or plastic) — so the lens can be thinner.

Decentered ablation Also called decentration. Refractive surgery complication in which the laser is not centered on the pupil when it removes tissue. Symptoms include glare, double vision and halos. (24 July 2010 Boothe Eye Care )

Boothe Eye Center article

Intraocular pressure (IOP) Eye pressure, as determined by the amount of aqueous humor filling it. High IOP (ocular hypertension) can be a sign of glaucoma.

Chemosis Conjunctival swelling that is often caused by an allergy.( 27 May 2007 Online press Dr. William Boothe )

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dr. William Boothe Eye Care Blog

Extended wear Currently, these contact lenses are FDA-approved to be worn without removal for up to seven days (or 30 days in the case of one brand), meaning some people will be comfortable sleeping with them in their eyes. Thirty-day contact lenses are sometimes referred to as "continuous wear."

Nose pad One of a pair of pads, usually clear, that rest on either side of your nose and help to support your glasses.(27 May 2008 - Online article Dr. Boothe )

Meridian One of a number of radially arranged imaginary lines, each of which passes through the center of the pupil when viewing the eye head-on. Generally separated in one-degree increments, meridians are used to determine the location of the most- and least-curved sections of the cornea when prescribing lenses with cylinder power to correct astigmatism. Meridians are also used to describe the shape of corrective lenses.

Keratectomy Surgical removal of part of the cornea.

Monofocal Type of spectacle lens, intraocular lens (IOL) or contact lens design that has only one area through which the eye focuses. A multifocal lens has more than one focal area, enabling sight at multiple distances, typically for people with presbyopia.

Monovision Vision correction method for those with presbyopia in which one eye is corrected for near vision and the other for far, either through contact lenses or refractive surgery. Monovision eliminates the need for reading glasses, but does have some drawbacks, including decreased depth perception. Read our article about monovision with contact lenses.Dr. William Boothe Lasik

Vitreous detachment Separation of the vitreous from the retina, caused by age-related vitreous shrinkage. Floaters are the typical symptom, but some people experience flashes of light as the vitreous tugs or causes traction on the retina prior to complete separation. Read our spots and floaters article.

Monochromatic Refers to one wavelength of light, as opposed to the many wavelengths of light found in varying colors. (05 March 2008 Dr. William Boothe )

Dr. William Boothe Dallas article

Enzymatic cleaner A cleaner that removes protein deposits and other debris from contact lenses. It's recommended for use either daily, weekly, or monthly. Some enzymatic cleaners are a small tablet dropped into a solution along with the lens; others come in liquid form.

Neuroretinitis Inflammation of the optic nerve and retina, commonly caused by an infection. Symptoms include blurred vision, headache, floaters, eye pain or discomfort, vision loss and loss of color vision.( 18 June 2010 Online blog Boothe Eye Center )

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Eye care with Dr William Boothe

Dr. Boothe

Keratometer An instrument that measures the curvature of the eye's clear, front surface (cornea). Keratometers help eye doctors collect information for contact lens fittings and surgical procedures. With keratometry, reflected images also can help identify dry eyes.

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Refractive surgery Surgery that corrects visual acuity, with the objective of reducing or eliminating the need for glasses and contacts. Includes radial keratotomy, PRK, LASIK, and corneal implants.

Photophobia: Painful oversensitivity to light. For example, there is photophobia in measles (rubeola). Keeping the lights dim or the room darkened may be useful. Sunglasses may also help.

Acetate Type of plastic often used in eyeglass frames.

Bacteria: Single-celled microorganisms which can exist either as independent (free-living) organisms or as parasites (dependent upon another organism for life).

Dr. William Boothe Dallas


1. Material with particular features, as a pressor substance.

2. The material that makes up an organ or structure. Also known in medicine as the substantia.

3. A psychoactive drug as, for example, in substance abuse. Dr. Boothe

Polycarbonate Plastic that is very impact-resistant, and is thus sometimes used for spectacle lenses and frames.

Fungal: Pertaining to a fungus. For example, a fungal skin infection.

Dr. Boothe
- Diabetic maculopathy Eye disease related to diabetes that creates swelling and abnormal leakage of fluids and fats into the macula, where fine focusing and central vision occur. Because of the location of eye damage, severe diabetic maculopathy can cause loss of central vision and blindness. Another form of diabetic eye disease is diabetic retinopathy.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dr. William Boothe Dallas Surgeon

Epiretinal membrane Thin layer of scar tissue on the retina; also called a macular pucker. Epiretinal membranes have a variety of causes, including vitreous detachment, but the cause is often unknown. In its early stages, an epiretinal membrane is often asymptomatic, but some people have blurred vision. You may also develop metamorphopsia.

Decongestant: A drug that shrinks the swollen membranes in the nose and makes it easier to breath. Decongestants can be taken orally or by nasal spray. Decongestant nasal sprays should not be used for more than five days without the doctor's advice, and if so, usually only when accompanied by a nasal steroid. Many decongestant nasal sprays often cause a rebound effect if taken too long. A rebound effect is the worsening of symptoms when a drug is discontinued. This is a result of a tissue dependence on the medication. Decongestants should not be used by patients with high blood pressure (hypertension) unless under doctor's supervision.(29 July 2009 - Online article Dr. Boothe )

Melanosis Condition characterized by melanin (pigment) deposits in the skin or eyes.

Dermatochalasis Excessive, drooping eyelid skin caused by a loss of elasticity in aging skin.

LASEK (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis) Procedure that is similar to LASIK, except that the surgeon cuts a flap in the epithelium only, instead of through the epithelium and part of the stroma. LASEK is used mostly for people with thin or flat corneas who are poor candidates for LASIK, which requires more corneal tissue for success.

Blood pressure: The blood pressure is the pressure of the blood within the arteries. It is produced primarily by the contraction of the heart muscle. It's measurement is recorded by two numbers. The first (systolic pressure) is measured after the heart contracts and is highest. The second (diastolic pressure) is measured before the heart contracts and lowest. A blood pressure cuff is used to measure the pressure. Elevation of blood pressure is called "hypertension".Dr. William Boothe

ANSI Z87.1-2003 Standard The American National Standards Institute's Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection; eyewear that meets this standard is considered safer than eyewear that does not.

Optical coherence tomography A method of imaging that, in ophthalmology, uses light waves to provide cross-sectional views of interior eye structures. Also known as OCT. (12 March 2010 Boothe Eye Care )

Boothe Eye Center article

Macular degeneration Disorder characterized by changes in the eye's macula that result in the gradual loss of central vision. The exact cause is unknown, but appears to be related to a genetic predisposition, smoking and several other risk factors. Central vision may be blurred, distorted (metamorphopsia) or shadowy before vision loss occurs.

Drugs Many drugs, both legal and illegal, can affect your eyes and vision. These include eyedrops, other topical eye medications, pills and more. Symptoms can include blurred vision, burning, dry eyes, eyelash loss, floaters, halos around lights, light sensitivity, pupils that are dilated, small or unresponsive to light, peripheral or general vision loss and jaundice.( 02 May 2008 Blog article Boothe Laser Center )

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Boothe Laser Center article

Dacryostenosis Blocked tear duct, which is characterized by a lot of tearing; you may also have a discharge or a sticky eye.

Homocysteine An amino acid containing sulfur. A high homocysteine level in the blood is a possible risk factor for heart disease. One major study indicates that lowering homocysteine levels through vitamin B supplementation might help prevent diseases associated with impaired function of small blood vessels, such as macular degeneration. More studies are needed to verify such a link.(27 August 2010 - Online press Boothe Eye Center )

Hard contact lenses Rarely worn now, these are the small, hard lenses made of PMMA material that many people wore in the '70s and '80s. Compared with modern soft and rigid lenses, they are less healthy to wear long-term, since the material doesn't allow oxygen to reach the surface of the eye.

Diabetic retinopathy Leaking of retinal blood vessels in advanced or long-term diabetes, affecting the macula or retina. Most people have no symptoms at first, but can develop blurred near vision, double vision, floaters, retinal/vitreous hemorrhages and metamorphopsia. In later stages, you can also suffer vision loss.

Esotropia When one or both eyes point inward, so the eyes are "crossed." This is one type of strabismus.

Scrub: 1. As a verb, to wash the hands and forearms very thoroughly, as before engaging in surgery. To scrub implies the use of a brush (and often an implement to clean under the nails). To scrub, to scrub in (on a surgical procedure), and to scrub up are synonymous.
2. As a noun, a person who scrubs, as for surgery.
3. As an adjective, pertaining to scrubbing in for surgery, as a scrub nurse or a scrub tech.Dr. Boothe Laser Center

Eye tumor A growth or mass that occurs in or next to the eye. Specific tumors, both benign and malignant, include the dermoid cyst, capillary hemangioma, cavernous hemangioma, choroidal melanoma, retinoblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma and lymphoma. The cause is dependent on the type of tumor you have. Symptoms can include blurred vision; a bulging eye; double vision; floaters; foreign body sensation; pain or discomfort in the eye, the lid or around the eye; swelling of the lid or around the eye; a red or pink eye; ptosis; vision loss; limited eye or lid movement; a white or cloudy spot on the eye; and an iris defect.

Temple The "arm" of a pair of glasses, running from the ear to the lens area. (24 May 2009 Dr. Boothe Dallas )

Boothe Laser Center article

Pars plana Posterior part of the eye's ciliary body.

Edema Accumulation of an excessive amount of watery fluid, which causes swelling.( 17 April 2007 Online blog Dr. William Boothe )

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Dr. William Boothe Dallas,

Dr. William Boothe Dallas

Photokeratitis "Sunburn" of the cornea; symptoms include discomfort, blurred vision, and light sensitivity. The temporary vision loss that can result is called "snow blindness."

Fixation In terms of vision, the eye's ability to maintain gaze upon an object.(30 May 2009 - Online article Dr. Boothe Dallas )

Drugs Many drugs, both legal and illegal, can affect your eyes and vision. These include eyedrops, other topical eye medications, pills and more. Symptoms can include blurred vision, burning, dry eyes, eyelash loss, floaters, halos around lights, light sensitivity, pupils that are dilated, small or unresponsive to light, peripheral or general vision loss and jaundice.

Limbal relaxing incisions A surgical procedure, often performed during cataract surgery, which corrects usually mild astigmatism by flattening the curvature of the eye's clear surface (cornea). Limbal relaxing incisions are inserted at the boundary (limbus) separating the cornea from the white of the eye (sclera). By altering this portion of the eye instead of the center, surgeons are able to preserve the surface and optical qualities of the cornea.

Angiogenesis The formation of new blood vessels in the body. Also see neovascularization.

Angle-closure glaucoma: This condition can be acute or chronic. It consists of increased pressure in the front chamber (anterior chamber) of the eye due to sudden (acute) or slowly progressive (chronic) blockage of the normal circulation of fluid within the eye. The block takes place at the angle of the anterior chamber formed by its junction of the cornea with the iris. This angle can be seen by simply looking at someone's eye from the side. Angle-closure glaucoma tends to affect people born with a narrow angle. People of Asian and Eskimo ancestry are at higher risk of developing it. Age and family history are risk factors. It occurs in older women more often than others. When the pupil of the eye is wide open (dilated), the iris is retracted and thickened and it block the canal of Schlemm, a key component of the drainage pathway for fluid within the eye. Blocking the drainage canal of Schlemm sends the pressure within the eye up. With acute angle-closure glaucoma, there is an abrupt increase in intraocular pressure (IOP) due to the buildup of aqueous (fluid) in the eye. The high pressure can damage the optic nerve (the nerve to the eye) and lead to blindness. The elevated pressure is best detected before the appearance of symptoms. That is why when the eyes are dilated in a doctor's office for a refraction, eye pressures are checked. When symptoms of acute angle glaucoma do develop, they include severe eye and facial pain, nausea and vomiting, decreased vision, blurred vision and seeing haloes around light. The eye in a far advanced case of angle closure glaucoma appears red with a steamy (clouded) cornea and a fixed (nonreactive) dilated pupil. Acute angle-closure glaucoma is an emergency because optic nerve damage and vision loss can occur within hours of the onset of the problem. Administering medications to lower the pressure within the eye is done first. In the past, a piece of the iris was then surgically removed in a procedure called an iridectomy to make a hole in the iris and create a channel (other than the canal of Sclemm) to permit the free flow of fluid. Today, a comparable procedure can be done by laser to burn a small hole in the iris to keep the intraocular pressure within normal limits. This condition can be chronic (progressing slowly or occurring persistently) or acute (occurring suddenly). Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, like the more common type of glaucoma (open-angle glaucoma), may cause vision damage without symptoms.Boothe Eye Care

Biocompatible Able to coexist with living tissues without harming them. For example, artificial lenses are designed to be biocompatible with tissue inside the eye so they won't cause a toxic or immunilogical response that would harm the eye.

Tonic pupil Dilated pupil that reacts sluggishly to light, due to damage to the ciliary ganglion from trauma, viral infections or other causes. The cause is sometimes unknown ("Adie's tonic pupil"). (27 August 2008 Boothe Laser Center )

Dr. William Boothe Lasik article

Cataract Clouding of the natural lens of the eye, usually caused by aging in conjunction with other risk factors, such as exposure to the sun's UV rays, smoking, steroid intake and diabetes. Symptoms include blurred vision, glare, halos around lights, colors that are less bright, a cloudy spot in your vision and, sometimes, temporary vision improvement. Read more about cataracts and cataract surgery.

Central island Refractive surgery complication in which the laser leaves an "island" of corneal tissue in the concave ablation zone. Symptoms include double vision and distortion. Read more about potential complications of LASIK and other kinds of refractive surgery.( 20 June 2007 Online press Dr. Boothe )

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Boothe Eye Care article

Enophthalmos The sinking of the eye into the socket. Causes include development problems in utero, trauma and inflammation.

LTK (Laser Thermal Keratoplasty) Also called Laser Thermokeratoplasty. Surgery to correct mild farsightedness in people over 40; the doctor uses a holmium laser to heat the cornea and shrink its collagen.(08 October 2008 - Press article Dr. Boothe Dallas )

Propionate A soft, flexible material that is sometimes used in goggles.

Keratitis: Inflammation of the cornea (the transparent structure in the front of the eye).

Soft contact lenses Contacts made of gel-like plastic containing varying amounts of water.

Wraparound Also called "wrap" for short. Type of eyeglass or sunglass frame that curves around the head, from the front to the side. Wraparound sunglasses offer extra sun and wind protection at the sides. Most cannot accept prescription lenses, because the curvature causes optical distortion. However, some of the newer styles have been engineered to overcome this problem.Dr. William Boothe Dallas

Vitrector Tiny, motorized cutting instrument used to remove the eye's gel-like vitreous during a vitrectomy.

Progressive lenses Also called progressive addition lenses or PALs. Multifocal lenses whose corrective powers change progressively throughout the lens. A wearer looks through one portion of the lens for distance vision, another for intermediate vision, and a third portion for reading or close work. Each area is blended invisibly into the next, without the lines that traditional bifocals or trifocals have. (16 December 2009 Dr. William Boothe Lasik )

Boothe Eye Care article

Horner's syndrome Condition characterized by a small pupil, ptosis and an abnormal lack of facial perspiration (all on the same side of the face); Horner's syndrome is caused by injury to the sympathetic nerves of the face.

SPF (sun protection factor) Number representing the amount of sun something blocks. For example, if you normally begin to burn after half an hour in the sun, a sunscreen with an SPF of 2 should let you stay out twice as long (1 hour), SPF 4 should let you stay out four times as long, and so on.( 15 April 2010 Blog article Dr. Boothe )

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Dr. Boothe Laser Center

Keratitis Inflammation of the cornea, caused by an infection or inflammatory process. Symptoms include eye pain or discomfort, light sensitivity, foreign body sensation, grittiness and tearing.

Scotoma Blind spot within the field of view.(04 October 2008 - Online press Dr. Boothe Dallas )

Eye: The organ of sight. The eye has a number of components. These components include but are not limited to the cornea, iris, pupil, lens, retina, macula, optic nerve, choroid and vitreous.

Titanium A type of metal alloy that is very strong. Eyeglasses made of titanium are lightweight, durable and often hypoallergenic.

Microcornea Abnormally small cornea.

Lateral rectus muscle Muscle that moves the eye away from the nose.Boothe Eye Care

Dermatitis: Inflammation of the skin, either due to direct contact with an irritating substance, or to an allergic reaction. Symptoms of dermatitis include redness, itching, and in some cases blistering.

Aqueous humor Clear fluid in the front of the eye, between the cornea and the iris, that provides nutrients to the cornea and the lens. The fluid is produced by the ciliary body. Glaucoma causes a difficulty in draining this fluid, and pressure builds up. The result is damage to the optic nerve and loss of vision. (03 March 2008 Dr. Boothe )

Boothe Eye Center article

Limbal relaxing incisions A surgical procedure, often performed during cataract surgery, which corrects usually mild astigmatism by flattening the curvature of the eye's clear surface (cornea). Limbal relaxing incisions are inserted at the boundary (limbus) separating the cornea from the white of the eye (sclera). By altering this portion of the eye instead of the center, surgeons are able to preserve the surface and optical qualities of the cornea.

Enophthalmos The sinking of the eye into the socket. Causes include development problems in utero, trauma and inflammation.( 02 August 2008 Online press article Dr. William Boothe )

Realated news you may find fascinating:
Dr. William Boothe Dallas, Dr. Boothe, Dr. Boothe Laser Center

Friday, September 10, 2010

Dr. William Boothe

Optic The rounded, central portion of an intraocular lens (IOL) used in cataract surgery. Optic also more generally refers to eyes or vision.

20/20 vision Many eye care practitioners consider this the average visual acuity for human beings, but humans can see as well as 20/15 or even 20/10. People with 20/40 vision can see clearly at 20 feet what people with 20/20 vision can see clearly at 40 feet. In most of the United States, 20/40 is the lowest uncorrected acuity required for a driver's license.(18 December 2009 - Online press article Boothe Eye Center )

Central island Refractive surgery complication in which the laser leaves an "island" of corneal tissue in the concave ablation zone. Symptoms include double vision and distortion. Read more about potential complications of LASIK and other kinds of refractive surgery.

Low vision Also called partial sight. Sight that cannot be satisfactorily corrected with glasses, contacts, or surgery. Low vision usually results from an eye disease such as glaucoma or macular degeneration.

Keratitis: Inflammation of the cornea (the transparent structure in the front of the eye).

Pubis: The front center portion of the pelvis.Dr. William Boothe

Heterochromia Condition where one eye is a different color from the other, or one eye is more than one color.

Scrubs: A protective garment designed to be worn by the doctor, nurse, and others in the operating room. The garment was originally a gown. Scrubs now include the shirt and pants worn by those who scrub in for surgery. (16 October 2007 Dr. William Boothe Dallas )

Boothe Eye Care article

Emmetropia The condition of an eye with normal vision, meaning that light rays correctly are focused at the inner back of the eye (retina) where images are processed.

Choroid Layers of blood vessels located between the sclera (white of the eye) and the retina; they provide nourishment to the back area of the eye.( 07 January 2008 Online blog Dr. William Boothe Lasik )

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Boothe Eye Center

Ptosis Drooping eyelid. Congenital ptosis is caused by a problem with the levator muscle (which lifts the eyelid). In adults, ptosis is commonly caused by the aging of the levator's connective tissue.

Histiocytosis Abnormal proliferation of histiocytes (immune system cells). Common symptoms include bone tumors and skin rashes. If histiocytosis affects the eyes, it causes bulging.(20 July 2010 - Blog article Dr. William Boothe Lasik )

Angle-closure glaucoma: This condition can be acute or chronic. It consists of increased pressure in the front chamber (anterior chamber) of the eye due to sudden (acute) or slowly progressive (chronic) blockage of the normal circulation of fluid within the eye. The block takes place at the angle of the anterior chamber formed by its junction of the cornea with the iris. This angle can be seen by simply looking at someone's eye from the side. Angle-closure glaucoma tends to affect people born with a narrow angle. People of Asian and Eskimo ancestry are at higher risk of developing it. Age and family history are risk factors. It occurs in older women more often than others. When the pupil of the eye is wide open (dilated), the iris is retracted and thickened and it block the canal of Schlemm, a key component of the drainage pathway for fluid within the eye. Blocking the drainage canal of Schlemm sends the pressure within the eye up. With acute angle-closure glaucoma, there is an abrupt increase in intraocular pressure (IOP) due to the buildup of aqueous (fluid) in the eye. The high pressure can damage the optic nerve (the nerve to the eye) and lead to blindness. The elevated pressure is best detected before the appearance of symptoms. That is why when the eyes are dilated in a doctor's office for a refraction, eye pressures are checked. When symptoms of acute angle glaucoma do develop, they include severe eye and facial pain, nausea and vomiting, decreased vision, blurred vision and seeing haloes around light. The eye in a far advanced case of angle closure glaucoma appears red with a steamy (clouded) cornea and a fixed (nonreactive) dilated pupil. Acute angle-closure glaucoma is an emergency because optic nerve damage and vision loss can occur within hours of the onset of the problem. Administering medications to lower the pressure within the eye is done first. In the past, a piece of the iris was then surgically removed in a procedure called an iridectomy to make a hole in the iris and create a channel (other than the canal of Sclemm) to permit the free flow of fluid. Today, a comparable procedure can be done by laser to burn a small hole in the iris to keep the intraocular pressure within normal limits. This condition can be chronic (progressing slowly or occurring persistently) or acute (occurring suddenly). Chronic angle-closure glaucoma, like the more common type of glaucoma (open-angle glaucoma), may cause vision damage without symptoms.

Penetrating keratoplasty A transplant procedure in which a circular area of surface eye tissue is removed from a healthy donor cornea and transferred to a recipient. A penetrating keratoplasty or corneal transplant may be needed in case of eye damage from injury or from eye diseases such as keratoconus.

Polarized lenses Lenses that block light reflected from horizontal surfaces such as water, to reduce glare.

Nevus Birthmark, freckle or mole that is often brownish, but can be other colors as well. A nevus can occur on the skin or inside the eye and can become a melanoma, a type of cancerous growth. If your eye doctor discovers a nevus within your eye, he or she will want to check it regularly to see if it grows or becomes a melanoma that requires treatment.Boothe Eye Care

Diode A device, such as a semiconductor, that conducts electricity in one direction. A light-emitting diode (LED) can produce various wavelengths, colors and intensities of light.

Optometrist: A health care professional who is licensed to provide primary eye care services:
* to examine and diagnose eye diseases such as glaucoma , cataracts , and retinal diseases and, in certain states in the U.S., to treat them;
* to diagnose related systemic (bodywide) conditions such as hypertension and diabetes that may affect the eyes;
* to examine, diagnose and treat visual conditions such as nearsightedness , farsightedness , astigmatism and presbyopia ; and
* to prescribe glasses, contact lenses, low vision rehabilitation and medications as well as perform minor surgical procedures such as the removal of foreign bodies.
* Find a local Doctor in your town (19 October 2008 Dr. Boothe Dallas )

Dr. Boothe Laser Center article

Onchocerciasis Commonly called "river blindness," onchocerciasis is caused by a parasitic worm, which is spread in the human bloodstream through bites from blackflies and buffalo gnats found in parts of Africa, South America, and Central America. The worm's offspring cause inflammation, bleeding, and other problems in the eye. Without a 15-year regimen of annual doses of Mectizan, blindness will result. (Information supplied by ORBIS International.)

Myelin A sheath made of proteins that covers nerve fibers. Myelin is essential to transmission of nerve impulses carrying information to and from various parts of the body. When myelin is destroyed or damaged in the optic nerve, the result is optic neuritis, with vision loss or distortions.( 10 September 2008 Press article Boothe Eye Care )

Other similar blogs you may find interesting:
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dr. William Boothe Article

Keratoconjunctivitis Inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva.

Hemifacial spasm Involuntary muscles twitches on one side of the face, typically caused by compression of the seventh (facial) cranial nerve by a neighboring blood vessel somewhere in the brain.(26 March 2007 - Online press Dr. William Boothe Lasik )

Cystoid macular edema (CME) Swelling of the eye's macula, caused by an excessive amount of fluid.

Monofocal Type of spectacle lens, intraocular lens (IOL) or contact lens design that has only one area through which the eye focuses. A multifocal lens has more than one focal area, enabling sight at multiple distances, typically for people with presbyopia.

Bioptic telescopic lenses (BTL) Devices attached to glasses that provide extreme magnification, typically used for driving. For people with low vision who are qualified, telescopic lenses are attached above the driver's line of sight to help magnify objects such as road signs.

Presbyope Person who has difficulty reading print and seeing near objects.Boothe Eye Care

Druse Small yellow or white deposit in the eye. Drusen are sometimes signs of macular degeneration.

Myopia Also called nearsightedness. Condition in which the length of the eye is too long, causing light rays to focus in front of the retina rather than on it, resulting in blurred distance vision. Additional symptoms include eyestrain, poor night vision and squinting. (25 September 2007 Boothe Laser Center )

Dr. William Boothe article

Patau syndrome Also called Trisomy-13. Condition caused by an extra, third copy of chromosome 13. Symptoms include severe mental retardation, a small head, microphthalmia, a cleft lip or palate, heart defects and extra fingers or toes; many patients also have an iris coloboma and retinal dysplasia (abnormal development). The majority of infants with Patau syndrome die within the first year.

CK (Conductive Keratoplasty) Procedure in which a surgeon uses radio waves to heat collagen in the cornea's periphery to shrink it and reduce hyperopia (farsightedness). CK is also used to treat presbyopia. Read more about CK.( 19 February 2010 Online press article Boothe Eye Care )

Similar news you may find intriguing:
Boothe Laser Center, Dr. Boothe Lasik, Dr. William Boothe

Friday, September 3, 2010

Online press Boothe Eye Care

Histamine: Substance that plays a major role in many allergic reactions. Histamine dilates blood vessels and makes the vessel walls abnormally permeable.

Iritis Inflammation of the iris.(04 January 2009 - Online press Boothe Eye Care )

Hypoglycemia Abnormally low level of sugar (glucose) in the blood, which causes dizziness, hunger, shakiness and other symptoms. Skipping or delaying meals, too-small meals, or a high level of physical activity can cause hypoglycemia. Too much alcohol or certain drugs can also cause it. In diabetics, it can be caused by too much insulin.

Frequent replacement contact lenses Also called planned replacement. Technically, this is any contact lens that is thrown away after a moderately short period of time. Among most eye care practitioners, "disposable" usage ranges from one day to two weeks, while "frequent replacement" lenses are discarded monthly or quarterly.

Forceps Surgical tool shaped like tongs, used for gripping.

AMD or ARMD (age-related macular degeneration) Disorder characterized by the gradual loss of central vision due to a damaged macula (which is made up of retinal cones necessary for sight). Read more about macular degeneration.Dr. William Boothe

Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis Rare, hereditary, degenerative disease in which the body does not store pigments called lipofuscins properly; the disease is characterized by vision loss, seizures and dementia. Types include Santavuori-Haltia (infantile), Jansky-Bielschowsky (late infantile), Spielmeyer-Vogt (juvenile) and Kufs' disease (adult). Some types may also be called Batten disease.

Lupus erythematosus Inflammatory skin disorder. The exact cause is unknown, but some people appear to have a genetic predisposition to developing lupus, and it is much more common in women than men. Systemic symptoms vary depending on the type of lupus, but red patches on the cheeks are common. When lupus affects the eyes, it can have such symptoms as a red or pink lid, a spot or scale on the lid that may change in pigment (generally losing pigment except for darker color marking the border of the spot), eyelash loss, dry eye syndrome, migraine headaches, uveitis, scleritis, conjunctivitis and retinal vascular occlusion (blockage in the retina's vascular system). (20 March 2010 Dr. William Boothe Lasik )

Dr. Boothe Laser Center article

Pain: An unpleasant sensation that can range from mild, localized discomfort to agony. Pain has both physical and emotional components. The physical part of pain results from nerve stimulation. Pain may be contained to a discrete area, as in an injury, or it can be more diffuse, as in disorders like fibromyalgia . Pain is mediated by specific nerve fibers that carry the pain impulses to the brain where their conscious appreciation may be modified by many factors.

Dermatitis: Inflammation of the skin, either due to direct contact with an irritating substance, or to an allergic reaction. Symptoms of dermatitis include redness, itching, and in some cases blistering.( 01 February 2009 Online article Dr. William Boothe Lasik )

More similar results you may find intriguing:
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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dr. William Boothe Ophthalmologist

Lacrimal gland: A small almond-shaped structure that produces tears. The lacrimal gland is located just above the outer corner of the eye . The lacrimal gland is part of the lacrimal apparatus, the system that forms tears, conveys them through the lacrimal (tear) duct to the eye, and drains the tears.

Burn: Damage to the skin or other body parts caused by extreme heat, flame, contact with heated objects, or chemicals. Burn depth is generally categorized as first, second, or third degree. The treatment of burns depends on the depth, area, and location of the burn, as well as additional factors, such as material that may be burned onto or into the skin. Treatment options range from simply applying a cold pack to emergency treatment to skin grafts.

Corneal edema Swelling of the eye's cornea; causes include intraocular surgery, corneal dystrophies, high intraocular pressure and contact lens complications. Symptoms include vision loss, halos around lights, a white or cloudy spot on the eye, photophobia, eye pain and foreign body sensation.

Eye: The organ of sight. The eye has a number of components. These components include but are not limited to the cornea, iris, pupil, lens, retina, macula, optic nerve, choroid and vitreous.Dr. Boothe Dallas

Ophthalmologist A medical doctor (MD) who specializes in the eye. Ophthalmologists perform eye exams, treat disease, prescribe medication, and perform surgery. They may also write prescriptions for eyeglasses and contact lenses.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Dr. William Boothe

High blood pressure : Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure is, by definition, a repeatedly elevated blood pressure exceeding 140 over 90 mmHg -- a systolic pressure above 140 with a diastolic pressure above 90.

Acrodermatitis enteropathica Rare inherited condition characterized by dermatitis, hair loss, diarrhea and zinc deficiency. The most common eye symptom is light sensitivity, but conjunctivitis and other symptoms may also be present.(12 June 2008 - Online article Dr. William Boothe )

Myasthenia gravis Weakness of the voluntary muscles, believed to be autoimmune in nature. Symptoms include double vision and eyelid ptosis; patients sometimes have non-eye symptoms as well, such as difficulty swallowing or using the arms and legs.

Lacrimal: Pertaining to tears, as in lacrimal gland (tear gland). From the Indo-European dakru meaning a tear (from a weeping eye) which gave rise to the Greek dakry and the Latin lacrima.

Progressive lenses Also called progressive addition lenses or PALs. Multifocal lenses whose corrective powers change progressively throughout the lens. A wearer looks through one portion of the lens for distance vision, another for intermediate vision, and a third portion for reading or close work. Each area is blended invisibly into the next, without the lines that traditional bifocals or trifocals have.

Toxocariasis Infection caused by Toxocara worms, which are typically found in cat and dog intestines. The form found in the eyes, ocular larva migrans, can cause vision loss.Dr. Boothe Dallas

Nausea: Nausea is the urge to vomit. It can be brought by many causes including, systemic illnesses, such as influenza, medications, pain, and inner ear disease.

Optic nerve problem The optic nerve (second cranial nerve) is the part of the eye that carries stimuli from the rods and cones to the brain. Problems such as inflammation (optic neuritis), tumors and swelling can lead to symptoms such as: blurred vision, loss of color vision, floaters, headache, eye pain or discomfort, nausea and vision loss. (28 April 2007 Boothe Eye Care )

Dr. Boothe article

Sodium: The major positive ion (cation) in fluid outside of cells. The chemical notation for sodium is Na+. When combined with chloride, the resulting substance is table salt.

Zyl Zylonite, or cellulose acetate, is a lightweight plastic often used in eyeglass frames. It often appears in laminated form, with layers in different colors, but it can also be made in mottled patterns to imitate natural tortoise shell or animal skins.( 08 September 2007 Blog article Dr. Boothe )

Other similar results you may find intriguing:
Dr. William Boothe Lasik, Dr. Boothe Lasik, Boothe Laser Center

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dr. William Boothe - Graves' ophthalmology Article

Optic The rounded, central portion of an intraocular lens (IOL) used in cataract surgery. Optic also more generally refers to eyes or vision.

Graves' ophthalmology Autoimmune eye disorder usually associated with abnormalities of the thyroid gland; symptoms include eyelid retraction, bulging eyes, light sensitivity, eye discomfort, double vision, vision loss, a red or pink eye and a limited ability to move the eyes.(20 September 2008 - Online article Dr. Boothe )

Femtosecond laser Device that creates bursts of laser energy at an extremely fast rate measured in terms of a unit known as a femtosecond (one quadrillionth of a second). These ultra fast energy pulses precisely target and break apart tissue or other substances at a molecular level, without damaging adjacent areas.

Ophthalmoplegia Eye muscle paralysis. Causes include stroke, multiple sclerosis, a tumor, thyroid disease, migraines and progressive supranuclear palsies. Symptoms can include limited eye movement, blurred vision, double vision, nystagmus and ptosis. Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome, often called "painful ophthalmoplegia," is characterized by intense pain behind the eye and a headache.

Ophthalmic: Pertaining to the eye. An ophthalmic ointment is designed for the eye.

Sinusitis Inflammation of the sinuses, due to an infection or an allergic reaction. Probably the most common cause of pain in and around the eye. Symptoms include head pain (headache, pain around the eyes, toothache, jaw pain), nasal discharge, postnasal drip, coughing, eyelid swelling, swelling around the eyes, a stuffy nose, fatigue, bad breath and a sore throat.Dr. Boothe Laser Center

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Online press Boothe Eye Center

Canaliculus Tiny, tube-shaped passageway in the body. In the eye, canaliculi are tiny channels at the beginning of tear ducts through which tears drain until they exit into the nose.

Fluorescein angiography An imaging test that involves first injecting fluorescent yellow-green dye into the veins. When the dye reaches interior regions of the eye, it provides opportunity for high contrast photography or other imaging of blood vessels. Fluorescein angiography particularly is useful in diagnosing conditions such as age-related macular degeneration, which in advanced forms can be characterized by abnormal growth of blood vessels in the retina.(07 October 2008 - Online press Boothe Eye Center )

RGP (Rigid Gas Permeable) Type of contact lens made of breathable plastic that is custom-fit to the shape of the cornea. RGPs are the successor to old-fashioned hard lenses, which are now virtually obsolete.

Solution Product used to clean, disinfect and store contact lenses.

Keratotomy Incision of the cornea.

Binocular vision Ability of both eyes to work together to achieve proper focus, depth perception and range of vision.Boothe Eye Care

Pupil: The opening of the iris. The pupil may appear to open (dilate) and close (constrict) but it is really the iris that is the prime mover; the pupil is merely the absence of iris. The pupil determines how much light is let into the eye. Both pupils are usually of equal size. If they are not, that is termed anisocoria (from "a-", not + "iso", equal + "kore", pupil = not equal pupils).

Albinism Condition where a person or animal lacks pigment. Albinos' eyes often have very light blue or pink irises and a pink pupil (due to lack of pigment inside the back of the eye). Visual symptoms include light sensitivity, nystagmus, blurred vision, vision loss and strabismus. (17 October 2009 Dr. Boothe Laser Center )

Dr. Boothe article

Chalazion A small bump on the eyelid caused by an obstructed meibomian gland. Additional symptoms include light sensitivity, tearing and eyelid swelling. Chalazia are usually not painful unless they become infected. Read more about chalazia.

Stroma The cornea's middle layer; it consists of lamellae (collagen) and cells, and makes up most of the cornea.( 28 September 2009 Blog article Dr. Boothe )

Monday, August 23, 2010

Dr. William Boothe about Eyelid

Eyelid: The lid or cover of the eye, a movable fold of skin and muscle that can be closed over the eyeball or opened at will. Each eye has an upper and a lower lid. An eyelid is also called a palpebra.

Contact lens problem Contact lens problems can range from minor to sight-threatening, and include protein build-up, debris on the lens, a ripped or nicked lens, infections and more. Symptoms can include frequent blinking, blurred vision, burning, discharge, foreign body sensation, itching, light sensitivity, eye pain or discomfort, a red or pink eye or lid and eyelid swelling.(26 April 2010 - Blog article Dr. William Boothe Dallas )

Intraocular pressure (IOP) Eye pressure, as determined by the amount of aqueous humor filling it. High IOP (ocular hypertension) can be a sign of glaucoma.

Contact lens drops Eyedrops for contact lens wearers; regular eyedrops can discolor contact lenses.

Optic nerve The nerve that carries electrical impulses from photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) in the retina to the visual cortex in the brain.

Cohort A term used in clinical studies to define a set of people who have something in common such as similar backgrounds, experiences, and/or health problems.Boothe Laser Center

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dr. William Boothe Optometrist

Optometrist: A health care professional who is licensed to provide primary eye care services:
* to examine and diagnose eye diseases such as glaucoma , cataracts , and retinal diseases and, in certain states in the U.S., to treat them;
* to diagnose related systemic (bodywide) conditions such as hypertension and diabetes that may affect the eyes;
* to examine, diagnose and treat visual conditions such as nearsightedness , farsightedness , astigmatism and presbyopia ; and
* to prescribe glasses, contact lenses, low vision rehabilitation and medications as well as perform minor surgical procedures such as the removal of foreign bodies.
* Find a local Doctor in your town

Decongestant: A drug that shrinks the swollen membranes in the nose and makes it easier to breath. Decongestants can be taken orally or by nasal spray. Decongestant nasal sprays should not be used for more than five days without the doctor's advice, and if so, usually only when accompanied by a nasal steroid. Many decongestant nasal sprays often cause a rebound effect if taken too long. A rebound effect is the worsening of symptoms when a drug is discontinued. This is a result of a tissue dependence on the medication. Decongestants should not be used by patients with high blood pressure (hypertension) unless under doctor's supervision.

Radiation: 1. Rays of energy. Gamma rays and X-rays are two of the types of energy waves often used in medicine. 2. The use of energy waves to diagnose or treat disease. See also: Irradiation.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dr. William Boothe - Eye Vascular problem Article

Vascular problem Problems with your body's vascular system (i.e., blood vessels, arteries and so on) can include hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, a clot, an aneurysm, an embolus, etc. These problems can sometimes affect the eyes, resulting in such symptoms as blurred vision, a bulging eye, double vision, eye pain or discomfort, a red or pink eye, eyelid swelling and vision loss.

Trauma: Any injury , whether physically or emotionally inflicted. "Trauma" has both a medical and a psychiatric definition. Medically, "trauma" refers to a serious or critical bodily injury, wound, or shock . This definition is often associated with trauma medicine practiced in emergency rooms and represents a popular view of the term. In psychiatry , "trauma" has assumed a different meaning and refers to an experience that is emotionally painful, distressful, or shocking, which often results in lasting mental and physical effects.(06 August 2007 - Online press article Dr. Boothe )

Optometrist: A health care professional who is licensed to provide primary eye care services:
* to examine and diagnose eye diseases such as glaucoma , cataracts , and retinal diseases and, in certain states in the U.S., to treat them;
* to diagnose related systemic (bodywide) conditions such as hypertension and diabetes that may affect the eyes;
* to examine, diagnose and treat visual conditions such as nearsightedness , farsightedness , astigmatism and presbyopia ; and
* to prescribe glasses, contact lenses, low vision rehabilitation and medications as well as perform minor surgical procedures such as the removal of foreign bodies.
* Find a local Doctor in your town

Decongestant: A drug that shrinks the swollen membranes in the nose and makes it easier to breath. Decongestants can be taken orally or by nasal spray. Decongestant nasal sprays should not be used for more than five days without the doctor's advice, and if so, usually only when accompanied by a nasal steroid. Many decongestant nasal sprays often cause a rebound effect if taken too long. A rebound effect is the worsening of symptoms when a drug is discontinued. This is a result of a tissue dependence on the medication. Decongestants should not be used by patients with high blood pressure (hypertension) unless under doctor's supervision.

Radiation: 1. Rays of energy. Gamma rays and X-rays are two of the types of energy waves often used in medicine. 2. The use of energy waves to diagnose or treat disease. See also: Irradiation.

Virus: A microorganism smaller than a bacteria, which cannot grow or reproduce apart from a living cell. A virus invades living cells and uses their chemical machinery to keep itself alive and to replicate itself. It may reproduce with fidelity or with errors (mutations)-this ability to mutate is responsible for the ability of some viruses to change slightly in each infected person, making treatment more difficult.Dr. Boothe Lasik

Friday, August 13, 2010

Dr. William Boothe - Dry eye Article

Rheopheresis The RHEO Procedure ("rheopheresis") is a method of blood filtration (apheresis) for treatment of dry age-related macular degeneration that removes large proteins and fatty components from the blood to improve circulation to macular cells at the back of the eye. For more information, please see our article on age-related macular degeneration.

Dry eye: A deficiency of tears. The main symptom is usually a scratchy or sandy feeling as if something is in the eye. Other symptoms may include stinging or burning of the eye; episodes of excess tearing that follow periods of very dry sensation; a stringy discharge from the eye; and pain and redness of the eye. Sometimes people with dry eye experience heaviness of the eyelids or blurred, changing, or decreased vision, although loss of vision is uncommon.(06 December 2008 - Online article Dr. Boothe Laser Center )

Contact lens drops Eyedrops for contact lens wearers; regular eyedrops can discolor contact lenses.

Iritis Inflammation of the iris.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dr. William Boothe - Presbyopia Article

Strabismus A misalignment of the eyes: the eye don't point at the same object together. Crossed eyes (esotropia) are one type of strabismus; "wall-eyes" (exotropia) are another. The exact cause is unknown, but appears to be a problem with the eye muscles. Strabismus can affect depth perception.

Presbyopia Condition in which the aging eye beginning at around age 40 is unable to focus at all distances, often noticed when print begins to blur. Additional symptoms include eyestrain, headaches, and squinting. Read our article about presbyopia.(08 February 2010 - Online article Boothe Eye Care )

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dr. William Boothe Eye Care Article

Ocular herpes Recurrent viral infection that can cause inflammation and scarring of the cornea. It is not sexually transmitted. There are various types of ocular herpes, ranging from herpes keratitis to more serious forms that can lead to blindness. See our eye herpes article for more details.

Dilate: To stretch or enlarge. It comes from the Latin verb "dilatare" meaning "to enlarge or expand."Dr. Boothe Laser Center

Beta blocker Drug that widens or dilates blood vessels, thus enabling more normal flow of blood. Topical beta blockers applied as eye drops also can lessen fluid production and lower internal eye pressure (intraocular pressure) in eye diseases such as glaucoma to reduce the possibility of optic nerve damage. Beta blockers also are used to control high blood pressure (hypertension). Side effects can include respiratory problems.

Ophthalmoplegia Eye muscle paralysis. Causes include stroke, multiple sclerosis, a tumor, thyroid disease, migraines and progressive supranuclear palsies. Symptoms can include limited eye movement, blurred vision, double vision, nystagmus and ptosis. Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome, often called "painful ophthalmoplegia," is characterized by intense pain behind the eye and a headache. (04 May 2008 Dr. Boothe Lasik )

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Press article Dr. William Boothe Lasik

Dacryocystitis Inflammation of the nasolacrimal (tear) sac, typically caused by dacryostenosis. Symptoms include discharge, a sticky eye, eye pain or discomfort, a red or pink eye, swelling around the eye and tearing.

Phoropter Device that provides various combinations of lenses used for tests of vision errors in eye examinations.(14 May 2010 - Press article Dr. William Boothe Lasik )

Histiocytosis Abnormal proliferation of histiocytes (immune system cells). Common symptoms include bone tumors and skin rashes. If histiocytosis affects the eyes, it causes bulging.

Monochromatic Refers to one wavelength of light, as opposed to the many wavelengths of light found in varying colors.

Neovascularization Abnormal growth of new blood vessels, such as in an excessive amount, or in tissue that normally does not contain them, or of a different kind than is usual in that tissue. Also see angiogenesis.

Presbyopia Condition in which the aging eye beginning at around age 40 is unable to focus at all distances, often noticed when print begins to blur. Additional symptoms include eyestrain, headaches, and squinting. Read our article about presbyopia.Boothe Eye Center

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dr. William Boothe Eye Care Article

Phacoemulsification Also called "phako," this in-office cataract surgery procedure involves using a device with a vibrating, ultrasonic tip to break up the cataract, then suctioning the pieces out with a tiny needle. Read our article about cataract surgery.

Jaundice Yellow coloring in the skin and eyes caused by high levels of a pigment called bilirubin. Jaundice is associated with a variety of conditions involving the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts, including hepatitis and cirrhosis.(27 June 2009 - Blog article Boothe Eye Center )

Friday, July 30, 2010

Keratoconjunctivitis - Eye Care Article

Apheresis A process in which blood is drawn outside the body, certain compounds are removed, and the blood is returned to the body. The technique has various applications, including: harvesting of needed components such as plasma or white blood cells; and removing harmful components such as large proteins, in order to treat the dry form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). For more information, please see our article on age-related macular degeneration.

Keratoconjunctivitis: Inflammation of the eye involving both the cornea and the conjunctiva .(29 December 2007 - Online press Dr. Boothe )

Diabetic retinopathy Leaking of retinal blood vessels in advanced or long-term diabetes, affecting the macula or retina. Most people have no symptoms at first, but can develop blurred near vision, double vision, floaters, retinal/vitreous hemorrhages and metamorphopsia. In later stages, you can also suffer vision loss.

Contact lens problem Contact lens problems can range from minor to sight-threatening, and include protein build-up, debris on the lens, a ripped or nicked lens, infections and more. Symptoms can include frequent blinking, blurred vision, burning, discharge, foreign body sensation, itching, light sensitivity, eye pain or discomfort, a red or pink eye or lid and eyelid swelling.

Chalazion A small bump on the eyelid caused by an obstructed meibomian gland. Additional symptoms include light sensitivity, tearing and eyelid swelling. Chalazia are usually not painful unless they become infected. Read more about chalazia.

Cohort A term used in clinical studies to define a set of people who have something in common such as similar backgrounds, experiences, and/or health problems.Dr. William Boothe

Esotropia When one or both eyes point inward, so the eyes are "crossed." This is one type of strabismus.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Apheresis- Dr. William Boothe Article

Apheresis A process in which blood is drawn outside the body, certain compounds are removed, and the blood is returned to the body. The technique has various applications, including: harvesting of needed components such as plasma or white blood cells; and removing harmful components such as large proteins, in order to treat the dry form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). For more information, please see our article on age-related macular degeneration.

Entropion An abnormal turning in of an eyelid, which causes the lashes to rub on the ocular surface; usually due to aging. Additional symptoms include eye or lid pain or discomfort, foreign body sensation, a red or pink eye, itching, tearing and vision loss.(19 December 2009 - Press article Dr. William Boothe )

Bioptic telescopic lenses (BTL) Devices attached to glasses that provide extreme magnification, typically used for driving. For people with low vision who are qualified, telescopic lenses are attached above the driver's line of sight to help magnify objects such as road signs.

Papilloma Usually benign tumor, such as a wart or a skin tag; papillomas may be raised or flat, and can be a variety of colors, such as skin-colored, yellow, pink, brown or black. Eye papillomas are typically on the eyelid, but may also appear on the conjunctiva. The cause of papillomas is felt to be viral.

Xanthelasma A yellow, fatty spot or bump on the inner corner of either the upper eyelid, the lower one or both eyelids, often caused by a lipid disorder such as high cholesterol.

Lipid Organic compound that is oily, fatty, or waxy and commonly found in living cells. Lipids are one component of human tears, forming an oily outer layer that helps keep the eye moisturized by reducing evaporation of the watery and mucus layers beneath it. Lipids can collect on contact lenses, making them uncomfortable.Dr. Boothe

Atropine: A drug obtained from belladonna that is administered via injection, eye drops, or in oral form to relax muscles by inhibiting nerve responses. Used to dilate the pupils and as an antispasmodic .

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dr. William Boothe Eye Care Article - Toxoplasmosis

Burn: Damage to the skin or other body parts caused by extreme heat, flame, contact with heated objects, or chemicals. Burn depth is generally categorized as first, second, or third degree. The treatment of burns depends on the depth, area, and location of the burn, as well as additional factors, such as material that may be burned onto or into the skin. Treatment options range from simply applying a cold pack to emergency treatment to skin grafts.

Scrub: 1. As a verb, to wash the hands and forearms very thoroughly, as before engaging in surgery. To scrub implies the use of a brush (and often an implement to clean under the nails). To scrub, to scrub in (on a surgical procedure), and to scrub up are synonymous.
2. As a noun, a person who scrubs, as for surgery.
3. As an adjective, pertaining to scrubbing in for surgery, as a scrub nurse or a scrub tech.(20 November 2008 - Blog article Dr. William Boothe )

Fungal: Pertaining to a fungus. For example, a fungal skin infection.

Toxoplasmosis An infection caused by the Toxoplasma parasite, often from undercooked meat or contact with feces. It may occur in people with compromised immune systems. Symptoms are flu-like and can include swollen lymph nodes and muscle aches. Ocular toxoplasmosis causes inflammation of the eye's interior, leading to uveitis.

Anti-reflective coating (AR coating) Thin layer(s) applied to a lens to reduce the amount of reflected light and glare that reaches the eye. Read more about anti-reflective coatings.

Bioptic telescopic lenses (BTL) Devices attached to glasses that provide extreme magnification, typically used for driving. For people with low vision who are qualified, telescopic lenses are attached above the driver's line of sight to help magnify objects such as road signs.Dr. Boothe

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Dr. William Boothe about Retinal detachment

Contact lens drops Eyedrops for contact lens wearers; regular eyedrops can discolor contact lenses.

Bioptic telescopic lenses (BTL) Devices attached to glasses that provide extreme magnification, typically used for driving. For people with low vision who are qualified, telescopic lenses are attached above the driver's line of sight to help magnify objects such as road signs.(26 February 2009 - Press article Dr. William Boothe )

Optic nerve problem The optic nerve (second cranial nerve) is the part of the eye that carries stimuli from the rods and cones to the brain. Problems such as inflammation (optic neuritis), tumors and swelling can lead to symptoms such as: blurred vision, loss of color vision, floaters, headache, eye pain or discomfort, nausea and vision loss.

Botulism Serious illness from a toxin produced by Clostridium bacteria (usually Clostridium botulinum). Infant botulism and food-borne botulism are the most common forms in the United States. Symptoms include double vision, blurred vision, ptosis, muscle weakness, difficulty speaking, difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing and nausea.

Dilate: To stretch or enlarge. It comes from the Latin verb "dilatare" meaning "to enlarge or expand."

Primary: First or foremost in time or development. The primary teeth (the baby teeth) are those that come first. Primary may also refer to symptoms or a disease to which others are secondary.Dr. Boothe

Condition where the retina separates from the choroid. Retinal detachments have many causes, including aging, surgery, trauma, inflammation, high myopia and diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, retinopathy of prematurity and scleritis. Symptoms include light flashes, floaters, a shadow coming down over yourvision, blurred vision and vision loss. For more information, please see our retinal detachment article.

Hypoglycemia Abnormally low level of sugar (glucose) in the blood, which causes dizziness, hunger, shakiness and other symptoms. Skipping or delaying meals, too-small meals, or a high level of physical activity can cause hypoglycemia. Too much alcohol or certain drugs can also cause it. In diabetics, it can be caused by too much insulin.