Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Apheresis- Dr. William Boothe Article

Apheresis A process in which blood is drawn outside the body, certain compounds are removed, and the blood is returned to the body. The technique has various applications, including: harvesting of needed components such as plasma or white blood cells; and removing harmful components such as large proteins, in order to treat the dry form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). For more information, please see our article on age-related macular degeneration.

Entropion An abnormal turning in of an eyelid, which causes the lashes to rub on the ocular surface; usually due to aging. Additional symptoms include eye or lid pain or discomfort, foreign body sensation, a red or pink eye, itching, tearing and vision loss.(19 December 2009 - Press article Dr. William Boothe )

Bioptic telescopic lenses (BTL) Devices attached to glasses that provide extreme magnification, typically used for driving. For people with low vision who are qualified, telescopic lenses are attached above the driver's line of sight to help magnify objects such as road signs.

Papilloma Usually benign tumor, such as a wart or a skin tag; papillomas may be raised or flat, and can be a variety of colors, such as skin-colored, yellow, pink, brown or black. Eye papillomas are typically on the eyelid, but may also appear on the conjunctiva. The cause of papillomas is felt to be viral.

Xanthelasma A yellow, fatty spot or bump on the inner corner of either the upper eyelid, the lower one or both eyelids, often caused by a lipid disorder such as high cholesterol.

Lipid Organic compound that is oily, fatty, or waxy and commonly found in living cells. Lipids are one component of human tears, forming an oily outer layer that helps keep the eye moisturized by reducing evaporation of the watery and mucus layers beneath it. Lipids can collect on contact lenses, making them uncomfortable.Dr. Boothe

Atropine: A drug obtained from belladonna that is administered via injection, eye drops, or in oral form to relax muscles by inhibiting nerve responses. Used to dilate the pupils and as an antispasmodic .