Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Dr. William Boothe - Nystagmus

Keratitis Inflammation of the cornea, caused by an infection or inflammatory process. Symptoms include eye pain or discomfort, light sensitivity, foreign body sensation, grittiness and tearing.

Ablation Removal. In vision, ablation refers to the surgical removal of eye tissue to correct a refractive error such as myopia. For example, in laser procedures such as LASIK and PRK, the excimer laser ablates, or removes, tissue from the cornea.(16 June 2009 - Blog article Dr. Boothe )

ANSI The American National Standards Institute is a private, non-profit organization that coordinates efforts to develop standards for manufacturing many different products, including eyeglass lenses. For example, certain ANSI standards define acceptable levels of impact resistance for safety eyewear.

Posterior chamber Part of the eye behind the iris and in front of the lens.

Episcleritis Inflammation of the episclera. The cause is usually unknown, but episcleritis may be associated with some systemic (e.g., autoimmune) diseases. Symptoms include a red or pink eye, eye pain or discomfort, light sensitivity and tearing.

Rapid and involuntary eye movement that is oscillating and non-chaotic. Blurred vision may result. Nystagmus typically affects infants and has a variety of causes.Dr. William Boothe

Arcus An opaque arc or ring around the peripheral cornea, this represents fatty or oily deposits in the cornea. It is usually seen in elderly people and is called arcus senilis. Arcus juvenilis is seen in people younger than 40 and often indicates high levels of cholesterol in the blood.