Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dr William Boothe Dallas - Eye Care Article

Dr. Boothe Texas

Phoropter Device that provides various combinations of lenses used for tests of vision errors in eye examinations.
OD Abbreviation for "oculus dexter," the Latin term for "right eye." Or, doctor of optometry.( - Dr. Boothe Eye Care)

Dr. William Boothe TX: Bulbar conjunctiva: That part of the conjunctiva, a clear membrane of the eye, which covers the outer surface of the eye.

Astigmatism Condition in which the cornea's curvature is asymmetrical (the eye is shaped like a football or egg instead of a baseball); light rays are focused at two points on the retina rather than one, resulting in blurred vision. Additional symptoms include distorted vision, eyestrain, shadows on letters, squinting and double vision. Read more about astigmatism.

Boothe Eye Care

Pterygium Triangular fold of tissue on the white of the eye that can eventually grow over part of the cornea; the cause may be irritation from sun (i.e., UV rays), dust and wind. Some people have no symptoms, while others may have redness or blurred vision. Pterygia that are chronically inflamed can become itchy. Read more about pterygium and pinguecula. ( Dr. William Boothe Laser Center )

Retinitis Inflammation of the retina. Symptoms include blurred vision, metamorphopsia, floaters and vision loss.

Boothe Eye Care

Dry eye: A deficiency of tears. The main symptom is usually a scratchy or sandy feeling as if something is in the eye. Other symptoms may include stinging or burning of the eye; episodes of excess tearing that follow periods of very dry sensation; a stringy discharge from the eye; and pain and redness of the eye. Sometimes people with dry eye experience heaviness of the eyelids or blurred, changing, or decreased vision, although loss of vision is uncommon.( Dr. William Boothe Eye Care )
Dr. William Boothe Lasik: Aura A sensation experienced before an attack of epileptic seizure, migraine or other disorder. Examples are flashes of light, colored lights, numbness, coldness and even hearing voices.
Boothe Eye Care & Laser Surgery: Porphyria Disorder in which the body produces too much of a compound called porphyrin and releases it in the urine, causing a reddish color. Other symptoms include light sensitivity, skin that swells or is sensitive to sunlight, abdominal pain, blisters and muscle weakness.