Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dr. William Boothe Eye Care Blog

Extended wear Currently, these contact lenses are FDA-approved to be worn without removal for up to seven days (or 30 days in the case of one brand), meaning some people will be comfortable sleeping with them in their eyes. Thirty-day contact lenses are sometimes referred to as "continuous wear."

Nose pad One of a pair of pads, usually clear, that rest on either side of your nose and help to support your glasses.(27 May 2008 - Online article Dr. Boothe )

Meridian One of a number of radially arranged imaginary lines, each of which passes through the center of the pupil when viewing the eye head-on. Generally separated in one-degree increments, meridians are used to determine the location of the most- and least-curved sections of the cornea when prescribing lenses with cylinder power to correct astigmatism. Meridians are also used to describe the shape of corrective lenses.

Keratectomy Surgical removal of part of the cornea.

Monofocal Type of spectacle lens, intraocular lens (IOL) or contact lens design that has only one area through which the eye focuses. A multifocal lens has more than one focal area, enabling sight at multiple distances, typically for people with presbyopia.

Monovision Vision correction method for those with presbyopia in which one eye is corrected for near vision and the other for far, either through contact lenses or refractive surgery. Monovision eliminates the need for reading glasses, but does have some drawbacks, including decreased depth perception. Read our article about monovision with contact lenses.Dr. William Boothe Lasik

Vitreous detachment Separation of the vitreous from the retina, caused by age-related vitreous shrinkage. Floaters are the typical symptom, but some people experience flashes of light as the vitreous tugs or causes traction on the retina prior to complete separation. Read our spots and floaters article.

Monochromatic Refers to one wavelength of light, as opposed to the many wavelengths of light found in varying colors. (05 March 2008 Dr. William Boothe )

Dr. William Boothe Dallas article

Enzymatic cleaner A cleaner that removes protein deposits and other debris from contact lenses. It's recommended for use either daily, weekly, or monthly. Some enzymatic cleaners are a small tablet dropped into a solution along with the lens; others come in liquid form.

Neuroretinitis Inflammation of the optic nerve and retina, commonly caused by an infection. Symptoms include blurred vision, headache, floaters, eye pain or discomfort, vision loss and loss of color vision.( 18 June 2010 Online blog Boothe Eye Center )

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