Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Press article Dr. William Boothe Lasik

Dacryocystitis Inflammation of the nasolacrimal (tear) sac, typically caused by dacryostenosis. Symptoms include discharge, a sticky eye, eye pain or discomfort, a red or pink eye, swelling around the eye and tearing.

Phoropter Device that provides various combinations of lenses used for tests of vision errors in eye examinations.(14 May 2010 - Press article Dr. William Boothe Lasik )

Histiocytosis Abnormal proliferation of histiocytes (immune system cells). Common symptoms include bone tumors and skin rashes. If histiocytosis affects the eyes, it causes bulging.

Monochromatic Refers to one wavelength of light, as opposed to the many wavelengths of light found in varying colors.

Neovascularization Abnormal growth of new blood vessels, such as in an excessive amount, or in tissue that normally does not contain them, or of a different kind than is usual in that tissue. Also see angiogenesis.

Presbyopia Condition in which the aging eye beginning at around age 40 is unable to focus at all distances, often noticed when print begins to blur. Additional symptoms include eyestrain, headaches, and squinting. Read our article about presbyopia.Boothe Eye Center