Friday, August 13, 2010

Dr. William Boothe - Dry eye Article

Rheopheresis The RHEO Procedure ("rheopheresis") is a method of blood filtration (apheresis) for treatment of dry age-related macular degeneration that removes large proteins and fatty components from the blood to improve circulation to macular cells at the back of the eye. For more information, please see our article on age-related macular degeneration.

Dry eye: A deficiency of tears. The main symptom is usually a scratchy or sandy feeling as if something is in the eye. Other symptoms may include stinging or burning of the eye; episodes of excess tearing that follow periods of very dry sensation; a stringy discharge from the eye; and pain and redness of the eye. Sometimes people with dry eye experience heaviness of the eyelids or blurred, changing, or decreased vision, although loss of vision is uncommon.(06 December 2008 - Online article Dr. Boothe Laser Center )

Contact lens drops Eyedrops for contact lens wearers; regular eyedrops can discolor contact lenses.

Iritis Inflammation of the iris.