Friday, May 21, 2010

Dr. Boothe - How Safe is LASIK Really?

Dr. Boothe Laser Center - LADAR

Using laser and radar technology developed by NASA, LADARVision® was the first approved system with active eye tracking, which compensates for involuntary eye movements. Although other laser systems have now developed eye-tracking systems, LADARVision® has the only system utilizing laser radar tracking technology, a system that measures eye movement 4,000 times each second and is capable of following eye movements regardless of how rapid or erratic they may be. Successful laser application does not rely on your ability to hold your eye perfectly still.

Dr. Boothe: How Safe is LASIK Really?
Corrective laser eye surgery is extremely safe when performed by qualified doctors. Like any surgical procedure, there can be complications, but the complication rate is extremely low.
Results of clinical studies indicate the chances of having a vision-reducing complication from LASIK Eye Surgery are less than 1%. There have been no reported cases of blindness resulting from laser eye treatment in the United States.
For the past 20 years Laser Eye Center has been a leader in the Refractive Surgery Industry. As one of the largest refractive-surgery centers in California, our team of highly experienced Ophthalmologists has performed over 200,000 refractive surgeries. At Laser Eye Center we believe that in addition to experience, high quality of vision correction is the essence to a successful practice. Going beyond 20/20 is our goal. At the Laser eye center we offer the latest most advanced FDA approved technology to our patients so they can attain the best quality of vision available today.
IOL or Intraocular Lens Implant- A lens is implanted in front of, or in place of, the eye's natural lens. IOLs may be a great option for patients with severe vision prescriptions.

Boothe Laser Center:
Conductive Keratoplasty- CK is performed using a probe about the size of a human strand of hair, which release radiofrequency (RF) energy, shrinking the tissue to increase the curvature of the cornea. LasikPlus will not perform CK.
Excimer Laser- An excimer laser refers to a cool laser. Excimer lasers use cool beams of ultraviolet light to evaporate corneal tissue during vision correction.

The LASIK procedure time is between five and fifteen minutes. We ask our patients to plan to be with us for approximately two hours on the day of their treatment. This gives our medical team adequate time for your procedure preparation, additional paperwork, final examination, and give you an opportunity to ask questions after your vision correction.

LASIK is a surgical procedure intended to reduce a person's dependency on glasses or contact lenses. The goal of this Web site is to provide objective information to the public about LASIK surgery. See other sections of this site to learn about what you should know before surgery, what will happen during the surgery, and what you should expect after surgery. There is a glossary of terms and a checklist of issues for you to consider, practices to follow, and questions to ask your doctor before undergoing LASIK surgery. Dr. William Boothe

Diopter- A diopter is one whole number on a prescription. The number of diopters on your prescription represents how much correction is needed to normalize your vision. The more myopic or hyperopic you are, the higher your prescription will be represented in diopters; or rather the farther away from zero your prescription will be.

Boothe Eye Care Iris- The iris is the colored portion of the visible eye. It is a muscle that affects the size of the pupil, depending on the amount of light needed to enter the pupil.