Monday, April 4, 2011

Dr. William Boothe - Texas Lasik and Eyecare

Dr William Boothe
Accommodation: the ability of the eye to change its focus from distant objects to near objects.
Laser: the acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. A laser is an instrument that produces a powerful beam of light that can vaporize tissue.( - Dr Boothe)

Dr Boothe: Ablation zone: the area of tissue that is removed during laser surgery.

Presbyopia: the inability to maintain a clear image (focus) as objects are moved closer. Presbyopia is due to reduced elasticity of the lens with increasing age.

Dr William Boothe

Endothelium: the inner layer of cells on the inside surface of the cornea. ( Dr William Boothe )

More related links to Dr William Boothe:
Dr Boothe Dr Boothe Dr William Boothe

Keratotomy: a surgical incision (cut) of the cornea.

Dr William Boothe

Laser Keratome: a laser device used to create a corneal flap( Dr Boothe )
Dr William Boothe: Farsightedness: the common term for hyperopia.
Dr Boothe: Haze: corneal clouding that causes the sensation of looking through smoke or fog.